STGU (Association of Graphic Designers) Projekt Roku - nomination (Warsaw, Poland), 2023
Nomination for "Design of the year" competition / Identity and other graphic materials for Dom Praktyk Twórczych

Interview / Academy of Fine Arts, Faculty of Industrial Design (Cracow, Poland), 2022:
Interview Radio Koszalin / Multinational Plein-Air in Osieki (Poland), 2021
Interview accompanying multinational plain-air in Osieki 2021.

Exhibition in the National Museum in Cracow (06.04 - 19.08.2018) / Publication accompanying exibition
The publication shows how design artists coped with the budding capitalism in the 1990s, what imprint Postmodernism left on their works, how they joined in the international trends in design at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, and how they strive these days for individuality in an attempt to measure up to the competition on foreign markets. The economic efficiency is not always the only determinant of the form of a product.

Desigual Couture Capsule at New York Fashion Week
Zebras Print & Figure Collection / Desigual SS18 collection

Ascenders Volume.1 Leaders in Contemporary Lettering
The publication is available for purchase via online platforms such as Capsulesbook, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and many more.

Das Spielzeug / Interview / 2011:

WOKÓŁ STOŁU / ROUND THE TABLE publication. Monograph by the Faculty of Architecture and Design Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk with academic editing by prof. Sławomir Fijałkowski.

Best Graduation Projects 2010 / Catalogue
Projects were shown at exhibitions in Cieszyn (Poland), Prague (Czech Republic), Bratislava (Slovakia), Krakow (Poland)

Make Your City a Better Place to Live
Exhibition & Catalogue / Rondo Sztuki, Katowice / 2010:

RZECZY sprawne - DESIGN FOR ALL / Gdynia Design Festival
Exhibition & Catalogue

Young Designers Talents / Messe Frankfurt (Germany), 2011:

FUTU Paper / Creating Value Added Designs / Publication about TOTU project / 2013
Futu Paper Magazine - A new monthly newspaper-like-magazine it covers news, articles, interviews and reports on design, culture, business and lifestyle, published in Poland by FUTU Group

BEACHBATH / 5th Roca Internatioinal Design Contest Certyficate (2012-2013)

Lodz Design Festival / It's all about humanity (2013)
Łódź Design Festival is an international festival of design taking place since 2007 in Łódź, Poland. It presents different faces of design including industrial design, arts and crafts design, graphic design, architectural design, service design and fashion design

"Added Value - Global Design from Poland" exhibition / Vilnius, Lithuana (2011)
WZORY - Light Edition (Warsaw Design Fair) / Radical-Q / Warsaw, Nowy Teatr, 24.08.2013
Exspace architects gave our lamps their stamp of approval

DESIGN SILESIA / Design is for People / Publication / TOTU / 2013
Article about design supporting weakening senses.

Warsaw EXPO XXI / International Trade Fair of Furnishing and Interior Finishing
Exhibition Stand - Creative Poland / Radical Q (Warszawa, Poland), IX 2013:

DOMAR / Night with Design / Radical Q (Katowice, Poland), 14.07.2013:

DMY Berlin / International Design Festival / 2012 (Germany)
DMY Berlin is an annual contemporary design festival where both aspiring and established designers present new products, prototypes and design concepts

WAWA DESIGN FESTIVAL / Radical-Q / Warsaw, SOHO Factory, IX 2013
Innovation, inspiration and creative design with the Warsaw Mermaid in the background, WAWA Design Festival

POLITYKA / Design for real live / article

WROCLOVE DESIGN International Good Projects Fastival / Wroclaw (Poland), 2014
“The keyword of the second edition of the Wroclove Design reflects perfectly its idea - its curiosity about new forms, its courage in exploring the unknown and its open-mindedness for various aspects of design. We'd like to combine timelessness with innovation, to show innovative concepts appreciating classical values at the same time.”

FloraHolland Trade Fair, Aalsmeer (Holland):

Arena Design / 60 DAYS / Poznan (Poland), 2010

2 + 3 D / Polska Ruletka / interveiw with young polish designers:

Lowcy Dizajnu / Article about TOTU

Best Graduation Projects 2010 / exhibitions in Cieszyn (Poland), Bratislava (Slovakia) & Prague (Czech Republic)

Defense Diploma / Master - Product Design / Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, 2010
Master's diploma completed with excellent grades and distinction

International Plein-Air Painting OSIEKI / 2010

ANIMALIS / II Painting Triennale / 2011

TWORKI / Individual "Monster Painting" Exhibition / Kolanko, Magazyn Kultury / Cracow, 2010

60 DAYS / LeNiuszki: